
SYMPHONIC ANIME is a concert series showcasing orchestral music from Japanese animation. Our repertoire includes original scores and symphonic arrangements, many created in collaboration with composers. Our setlists cover a wide range of anime music, from popular action anime, mecha, and detective genres to silver-screen hits. SYMPHONIC ANIME was created by Thanapol Setabrahmana. Its predecessor, “Legends & Fantasies,” a 2017 program by the Thailand Philharmonic Orchestra featuring a mix of anime and video game music, was hailed and praised by its original audience. It was then developed into a program solely devoted to anime in 2019 and has been in high demand since. After a successful tour in Vietnam in 2023, the program garnered interest from several countries, leading to its first tour in Canada and North America!

Audiences will be transported to the iconic worlds of their favorite shows as they hear the music they love performed by highly skilled musicians on stage. “Symphonic Anime” promises to be an unforgettable evening of entertainment that celebrates the unique power of music to bring people together and create an emotional connection with the stories and characters.

Thanapol Setabrahmana – CONDUCTOR & CHIEF ARRANGER

Conductor, composer, and arranger Thanapol is known for his engagement with younger generations of audiences whom he reached out to through several cross-genre orchestral productions. His symphonic collaborations with artists from several industries, such as film, animation, video games, visual arts, theatrical arts, traditional music, and popular music, have invited various demographics to the concert halls and accumulated millions of views on online platforms. In addition to concert works, Thanapol has also written for theater and television. Thanapol has collaborated with a number of anime composers and created an orchestral production “SYMPHONIC ANIME”, which, after successes in Thailand, is now en route to more countries.

In recent years, Thanapol brought to his audience more large-scale film and video game concerts. He recently conducted a number of live-to-picture programs such as BEAUTY AND THE BEAST IN CONCERT, Disney’s 100th Anniversary show THE SOUND OF MAGIC, STAR WARS: A NEW HOPE IN CONCERT. Thanapol was also a conductor for GENSHIN CONCERT 2023, where he led Singapore’s Metropolitan Festival Orchestra to perform the first stop of the world tour. Thanapol’s latest project is STARDEW VALLEY: FESTIVAL OF SEASONS, the concert world tour of a young but famous video game, where he works as its chief music arranger and the conductor of the Asia performances.

Thanapol Setabrahmana received a doctoral degree in conducting (with music history cognate) from the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music, a master’s degree in conducting from the New England Conservatory of Music, and a bachelor’s degree in music composition from the College of Music, Mahidol University. His primary teachers include Charles Peltz, William Drury, Glenn Price, and Terrence Milligan.

He is currently working at his alma mater, Mahidol University, as the Chair of the Conducting and Ensembles Department and directs the Mahidol Wind Orchestra. He is also the Assistant Music Director of the Thailand Philharmonic Orchestra.

He is also now working on developing more repertoire for future anime and video game concerts.